At a thought-provoking event held at Shack 15 in San Francisco, moderated by Nabiel, panelists gathered to discuss the rich history and contemporary significance of Eritrean art. The discussion featured insights into the ancient origins of Eritrean culture, including the influence of the Kingdom of Adulis and the Orthodox Coptic Church, alongside a focus on contemporary artists like Nebay Abraha, Robel Solomon Tewledemedin, and Tesfalem Atenaw.
Researcher Esayas shared his groundbreaking work on decoding ancient hieroglyphs and the connections between Tigrinya and Egyptian scripts, shedding light on the cultural exchanges that have often been overlooked due to colonialism. The panel also explored the unique challenges East African artists face, particularly in gaining visibility compared to their West African counterparts, and how institutions, collectors, and galleries can better support and elevate these underrepresented voices.
The event highlighted the importance of building permanent collections and fostering long-term partnerships with artists from regions like Eritrea. With the increasing interest in diverse voices within the Bay Area art scene, the panelists emphasized that East African artists have significant opportunities ahead, driven by both their rich cultural heritage and their innovative contributions to contemporary art.